Online racer Quantum Rush soon as a single player version?
The developer team of online racer Quantum Rush, which is currently in the open beta phase and has fans all across the world, considers a single player version of the game. Now the community has to decide – the team is asking for feedback on this idea!
The reason for these thoughts are the current lag problems. Although the next patches will bring optimizations and improvements, the main reason will remain: All the game servers are located in Germany. This leads to lags in the online multiplayer races, especially if the players are from different continents.
The developers considered multiple solutions: It would be possible to build servers in different countries and continents, to improve the racing experience for players from far away countries. It also possible to develop a stand-alone single player version and transfer the game concept into an offline version.
Now all fans and players of Quantum Rush can join the discussion and give their thoughts on the different ideas. A new area ( for the discussion was already opened in the official Quantum Rush forum.
The developers are in close contact with the community and implement many requested features. Next on the list are an ingame tutorial and easier controls. These will be implemented with the next patches.
The Quantum Rush team is dedicated to constantly improve and optimize the game and is getting closer to reviving the future racer genre day by day.
If you want to try out the game you can register for free on the Quantum Rush homepage and download the client. You can also support the developers on Steam Greenlight.