

Spring Fan Art Contest in Glory Wars

Despite the unpredictable Spring weather, Berlin-based web game developers GameArt Studio are already in Spring-mode, and are therefore hosting a Spring Fan Art Contest for all players of the fantasy web game Glory Wars.

Anyone can take part in the contest, starting today and ending on 10.06.2012 at 01:00 a.m. server time.

As always, there are a multitude of sumptuous prizes to be won: along with Premium tickets, the best Fan Art entries will also be rewarded with the standard Glory Wars currency of gold.

There are no limits when it comes to fantasy. To take part in the contest, all you need is a Glory Wars forum account.

If you don't have a forum account yet, it won't take long - registration to the forum is quick and easy to do, not to mention completely free!

There is an official participation thread under the 'Promotions and Contests' section of the forum where you can post your competition entries.

The winners will be decided over the course of the following week by a panel of Support Team members from GameArt Studio.

The Glory Wars Team wishes you the best of luck and plenty of fun!

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